Get on your hover boards ladies and gentlemen, because we are going "Back To The Future"!!
Why 1985, you ask? And why 1985 Music Videos?? And why the excessive punctuation???
I got a little excited. See, when I was a kid in the 70s, there were about six different channels. Then sometime in the early 80s, we got cable TV. There were something like 40 different channels! Sure, most of them were garbage, just like now. But a couple of the new channels were revolutionary. One was ESPN. An all sports channel! The second was MTV. Music videos, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! My stars!! I'm using too much punctuation again, aren't I?
We are going to take a trip back in time. On December 31, 1985, MTV counted down the top 100 videos of the year, from 100 all the way to #1. And the world watched. It's not like there was any Internet to distract us.
If you wonder what the top 100 videos of 1985 were, you could look at this list. Otherwise, come back tomorrow for #100.
Oh yes. This is really happening.